Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It's hardly newsflash material that immigration is out of control but when you read a damning report from the House of Commons Library with the 'official' statistics, it really does bring home the seriousness of the problem.

Let me save everyone the trouble of reading through a dreary document by giving the information that matters: our population is projected to reach seventy one million by 2031 and two thirds of that growth is directly attributable to immigration. In other words, enough people to fill London plus one other major city will come to the UK.

And that's just a government 'best guess'. BBC Panorama and other media sources have already exposed the world of illegal immigration that is so vulnerable thanks to our lax border controls, and of course illegal immigration is uncounted.

A quick run down of the costs associated with immigration is also cause for concern. The Met police spent over ten million pounds on language services last year, the government is throwing over thirty million into community work to 'reduce tensions' and the police have raised concerns about multi occupancy housing ranging from littering to an increase in violent crime.

Of course most immigrants are good people who just want to work for a better life, they are not to blame, our government are responsible for letting immigration go unchecked This is not a racial issue either. The report also confirms that forty seven percent of Asian people and forty seven percent of black people surveyed said immigration was too high. The total score was sixty eight percent.

How did our government ever let immigration get so out of control and what can we do to fix it?

The report is here:

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